[제3권 제1호] A. Rakhmankulova, "К ВОПРОСУ ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ КОРЕЙЦЕВ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ (On Education of the Korean Diaspora in Uzbekistan (since the time of deportation until present))"
[제3권 제1호] Janpolat Kudaybergenov, "Post Global Recession: The Right Hard Currency Dilemma and the Foreign Exchange Policy of Uzbekistan"
[제2권 제1호] Sattar F. Mazhitov, "The Problem of Elites in Protest Movement of Kazakh People (ⅩⅧ - the beginning of the ⅩⅩ centuries)"
[제2권 제1호] Азиза Бегматова, "Транспозиционные возможности причастий в русском и узбекском языках (Transposition possibilities of participles in Russian and Uzbek languages)"
[제2권 제1호] Baimagambetova Z. M. "Unification of National Trade Law in Light of Kazakhstan's Accession to WTO"